10 Reminders On My Birthday

Manan Hora
2 min readMar 29, 2023

I just turned twenty seven on March 29th. I often find myself reflecting on my birthday and ended up writing these in my diary as useful reminders. If you enjoy reading such stuff, you might enjoy my ‘25 learnings from 25 years of life’ from two years ago”.

  1. A routine existence is often what leads to great outcomes. Tiny daily habits, compounded, yield big results.

2. Go after your dreams with such an intensity that life, the universe feels the vibrations and aligns itself to you.

3. Take care of your friendships, old and new, but especially the old. Friendships are like plants that need nurturing.

4. Most of my energy should be devoted to what’s in my circle of control.

5. Get 1% better everyday.

6. The best way to progress in my career is to increase my leverage: more accountability, greater scope, working on bigger problems, applying myself to higher impact.

7. Make time for reflection at least every few months. Do a “retrospective” on various aspects of life.

8. Declutter life: inbox, people, closet.

9. Empty spaces in homes are necessary and beautiful, so are silences in conversations. They lead to creativity, depth of connection with the self and others.

10. Above all else, be true to yourself. Life is too short for pretences, fake friendships and living someone else’s version of success. Figuring out what you truly care about is half the battle, having the courage to eliminate everything else is the other half.



Manan Hora

I write: about my life, of the little I know about the world, of what life teaches me.